All players must be in the batting lineup every game. The last batted out of a game, willnow be the last batter in the next game. Example: The 3-hole hitter makes the last outof game 1, the 4-hole hitter now leads off game 2 and the 3-hole hitter is now battinglast
All players must sit ONCE, before a player sits twice. The exception to this rule is if theplayer is warming up to go into pitch or catch.
The Grinch may appear at any game and cause chaos. He may steal a glove, a bag, abaseball… who knows! This is part of the tournament, there will be no protests againstthe Grinch!
Each coach will receive 2 cards that will allow ONE player, ONCE a game during poolplay, to steal a bag at any point other than home
Have a lookout for other special Grinch Games Rules prior to the tournament